Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tips For Writing Thank You Notes

So many people these days forget how much a thank you note means. It is such a personal way to communicate with someone who took the time to do something for you, purchase something for you etc... Too often, people don't even think to say thank you, say it in person or send an email. Althought we live in a high tech society, there are just times when an handwritten note is the polite and "correct" thing to do. My kids all write their own thank you notes. At first they sign their names, then they sign their full names, write the note and eventually write and address their notes...depending on their age. It is great to teach them young! Here are some tips when you sit down to write your notes. If anyone has anything they would like to add, that would be great!

  • The key to a good note is to let the person feel you are really thinking of them
  • Write like you talk. For example, don't just put "Congrats on your new baby" instead put something like "There is nothing like a new baby to bring a smile to your face. We are so excited for you"
  • Mention the gift. Make sure you mention what you are actually thanking them for. If they give you a gift certificate, you may want to mention what you are going to use it towards or what you did use it on. It makes the person feel more involved with the purchase.
  • Basic Layout for a thank you note:
  1. Greet the Giver
  2. Express your Gratitude
  3. Discuss Use
  4. Mention the past and discuss the future. (something about your relationship with the giver etc..)
  5. Thank the giver again
  6. Regards (sign it with Sincerely, Fondly, Love, From etc...)

We hope these tips will help you the next time you need to write a note. Be sure and check out all of our great thank you note designs.

On a personal note. My 9 year old daughter recently received a birthday card from her Grandma and the note was written in cursive handwriting. Her Grandma wrote "welcome to grandma's cursive handwriting" as, in the past she wrote in print so it would be easier to read. My daughter wrote all her thank you notes on her own and then I read them over before we sent them out. I thought it was so funny that my daughter's thank you note to Grandma was signed in cursive (her name) and it said "P.S. welcome to my cursive signature" I thought it was so funny to see her own humor come out at 9 years old. Kids, they say and do the funniest things:)

1 comment:

AudreyO said...

Thank you notes are my weakness. I allow myself only so much time and if I don't have it in the mail, I then pick up the phone as I truly do want to thank the sender.

Audrey :)