Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day (almost)...

I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day and are able to spend it with those you love. I think holidays are such great family events. As a parent, you need to decide what is important to you and how you want your family to be. My mom always made Valentine's Day special for our family. I loved waking up and "knowing" today was going to be a little different than the other days. I have started the same tradition with my family. Every Valentine's Day, my husband gets each one of our kids something special, I do the same and so do both sets of grandparents. Nothing big, but something to make their day fun! My husband usually gets chocolates, I got cute stuffed animals from Hallmark that talk (have you seen that commercial?), my parents got them clothes from Build a Bear for their bears and my husband's parents sent them $$. We will wake up in the morning and go our separate ways, but then we will all come home for dinner and give the kids their gifts. While not everyone may agree with what our family does...I love that our family has our traditions and something that our children will always remember:)

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